We promote excellence in child abuse response and prevention through Training, Program Development, Advocacy and Leadership.
Who We Are
A Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) is a comprehensive, child-centered program based in a facility that provides an immediate and compassionate response to a child’s outcry of abuse. CACs use a team approach to coordinate the investigation and treatment services for children involved in allegations of sexual abuse or serious physical abuse.
CACs are developed to meet the needs of their local communities. While distinct in some ways, all CACs in Kansas deliver services consistent with the national accreditation standards and share a universal commitment to the goals of the CAC model:
For more information, or if interested in developing a CAC in your area, contact our Staff
CACs are developed to meet the needs of their local communities. While distinct in some ways, all CACs in Kansas deliver services consistent with the national accreditation standards and share a universal commitment to the goals of the CAC model:
- Minimize further trauma to victims
- Increase access to high-quality medical and mental health services
- Reduce the number of child victim interviews
- Increase successful prosecution to hold offenders accountable
- Consistently support child victims and non-offending family members, from initial report to case closure
For more information, or if interested in developing a CAC in your area, contact our Staff
What We Do
Each year, more than 4,500 children walk through the doors of a Kansas CAC and receive child-centered investigative interviews, specialized therapeutic services and specialized medical evaluations on-site or through local partners. CAC Advocates deliver education, crisis intervention and ongoing support to non-offending caregivers to aid them in resolving the abuse crisis.
- Children share the details of their abuse experience with trained, caring professionals
- Child victims connect with specialized mental health and medical services to treat their physical and psychological health needs
- Child victims and their caregivers are linked with community resources to resolve the abuse crisis
- Child abuse professionals – law enforcement, DCF social workers, prosecutors, therapists, medical providers and victim advocates – share information to coordinate their strategies tailored to each case and improve decision-making by working together.
- This unique model of collaboration is designed to ensure children are not re-victimized by the very system designed to protect them.